You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. ~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
This quote pretty much sums up what me an my little blog are about. Finding the perfect gift for someone is sometimes as simple as carving out a little one on one time for them whether face to face, on the phone, or even by text. It's that dedicated time that you set aside just for them. It matters.
Vacations can be one of the best investments you make with your family and friends. We've taken our boys to Disney World a few times (ok, four times...what can I say, I was Disney deprived as a child!) and can remember details from each trip. Trips like these aren't cheap but it was always worth the hard work and saving for the shear joy we all experienced. If you want to "do Disney" the most economical way as possible here is my tip...research, research, research. Your best bet for learning how to "do Disney" start here, or here. If you've already booked your trip and are now panicking, go here
How do you like to give the gift of yourself? Is it a special place, a dedicated "appointment" of attention?
Give a gift, be a gift, it feels good.