The Gift Guru

Welcome to the Gift Guru! I want to be your first stop for all your gifting needs!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The best gift...YOU!

You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.  ~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

This quote pretty much sums up what me an my little blog are about.  Finding the perfect gift for someone is sometimes as simple as carving out a little one on one time for them whether face to face, on the phone, or even by text.  It's that dedicated time that you set aside just for them.  It matters.

Vacations can be one of the best investments you make with your family and friends.  We've taken our boys to Disney World a few times (ok, four times...what can I say, I was Disney deprived as a child!) and can remember details from each trip.  Trips like these aren't cheap but it was always worth the hard work and saving for the shear joy we all experienced. If you want to "do Disney" the most economical way as possible here is my tip...research, research, research.  Your best bet for learning how to "do Disney" start here, or here.  If you've already booked your trip and are now panicking, go here

How do you like to give the gift of yourself?  Is it a special place, a dedicated "appointment" of attention?

Give a gift, be a gift, it feels good.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Honey Bees Tees

One of my all time favorite bloggers is Darby at Fly Through our Window.  Her blog is a regular read for me along with her sisters Erika's blog Urban Grace.  These twins do it all and they do it with incredible style!  Plus, they are Auburn Tigers fans.  Down here in the South great style and an awesome team are about as good as it gets.

Darby has cracked me up for years as she's shown us the growth of her business, Honey Bees Tees.  When I first discovered these blogs, Darby was really going crazy trying to keep up with the demand for her great tees and would illustrate her state of exhaustion with a Barbie doll she called Darby Doll.  Needless to say, Darby doll pretty much existed on Diet Coke and candy and well...she looked pretty frazzled most of the time.  You would look frazzled to if you were shipping tons of tees to excited customers and raising three beautiful children.  

By the time I discovered her tees, my kids were already too big for them.  Well I finally have a new little nephew on the way (thank you Rachel and Mark) !  I cannot wait until he's old enough to wear them!  

Click on over to Honey Bees Tees and check out her tees.  They come in short and long sleeve as well as lots of colors and designs.  Very affordable too.  

Boo! Swoozies Style

Swoozies has long been my last minute source for cute little hostess gifts and items to fill up the little mail presents I like to send my out of state nieces.  They've got some really cute Halloween items that are on sale since we're so close to the 31st.  I'm a stocker upper myself (not Extreme Couponing kind of stocking up) but I do have a gift closet that I keep cute items I stumble upon or great deals I can't pass up.  Swoozies has reasonable shipping and if you sign up on their site, they send great coupon codes that usually include free shipping

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Teacher Tuesday....oops Wednesday

The holidays will soon be upon us and we'll be scrambling for gifts, ingredients for recipes, outfit pieces for ourselves and kids and teacher gifts.  While not the most difficult item on the list, teacher gifts can be tough if you want to get your child's teacher something unique and special while not breaking the bank.  There are always the fall-back's of candles, bath gel, picture frames and gift cards, but I get bored buying them. I can only imagine the candle stockpile each teacher already has!  That's a lot of scent in one home!!!

Every Tuesday (and this Wednesday) I'll be highlighting unique gift ideas for teachers as well as some brief interviews with teachers about the memorable gifts they have received and some of the funny experiences they have had when receiving them.  

This week's idea is a really cute play on the "Keep Calm and Carry On" trend seen in everything from t-shirts to mugs to wall art these days.  I'm really loving the trend, but I tend to gravitate to the edges of a trend rather than smack dab in the middle of it.  Check out these cute totes and other cute merchandise here.  Take Flight Boutique on Etsy has a lot to offer.  I love that Etsy requires that all merchandise sold is hand made too.  Teachers deserve something special and made just for them don't they?
What teacher doesn't need another tote too!  After all they will have a truckload of candles, bath gel and picture frames to haul home the second week of December!

Enjoy your Wednesday!
Give a gift, be a gift, it feels good!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Made by Girl makes my day

Leave it to Jen Ramos at made by girl to find a way to take a great print and make it even better.  This bright reminder will make you smile while it brightens your office space, foyer table, or family room!  Can you ever have enough love?  Not if it's by Jen at Made by Girl, check her out!

Made by Girl

She has lots of other inspirational posters too!